Evidence Based Research and Clinical Effectiveness
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Ricerca e Efficacia clinica
L’aspetto della Ricerca e dello Sviluppo presso l’Istituto NMT è fondamentale per il nostro impegno nel migliorare continuamente le nostre pratiche cliniche e i trattamenti nel campo del Taping NeuroMuscolare. La nostra missione è creare esperienze cliniche e sperimentazioni controllate che conducano a progetti di ricerca innovativi, in grado di trasformare il modo in cui trattiamo i nostri pazienti.
Riconosciamo che una buona idea deve essere supportata da una metodologia di trattamento corretta e precisa. Pertanto, ci impegniamo a fornire formazione di base, specialistica e di aggiornamento nella medicina e nella riabilitazione, garantendo che il know-how accumulato in oltre 20 anni diventi una base solida di conoscenza medica riproducibile.
La nostra selezione EB dei documenti clinici offre accesso internazionale a tutte le aree della medicina e della riabilitazione, mettendo in evidenza i progressi potenziali nella ricerca clinica di base e avanzata. La piattaforma di condivisione che creiamo promuove una corretta metodologia di trattamento NMT e la reciprocità del risultato, fondamentali per tutte le ricerche basate su prove “di buona qualità” e sperimentazioni cliniche.
La nostra newsletter NeuroMuscular Taping EB presenta articoli di ricerca, recensioni, comunicazioni brevi, testimonianze di pazienti e rapporti di casi, pubblicati e disponibili da fonti indipendenti. Inoltre, incoraggiamo gli autori e gli specialisti esperti nel campo del Taping NeuroMuscolare a condividere la propria esperienza personale. Riteniamo che solo attraverso l’impegno personale nel condividere risultati consolidati e talvolta sperimentali, possiamo influenzare positivamente il modo in cui trattiamo i nostri pazienti e migliorare la nostra comprensione dei principi fondamentali nella progressione della terapia e della riabilitazione.
L’Istituto NMT è determinato a rimanere all’avanguardia nella ricerca e nello sviluppo, per continuare a offrire ai pazienti le migliori pratiche e i trattamenti più efficaci possibili. Siamo grati agli autori e ai professionisti che condividono le loro conoscenze con noi, poiché questo è ciò che ci permette di crescere e progredire nel campo della riabilitazione medica.
Aiutaci a condividere il tuo know-how con gli altri!
Regards, David Blow
Dal EB Talk con David Blow: Il taping Neuromuscolare stato dell’arte e nuove prospettive.
Il termine “tape/taping” in inglese indica genericamente un nastro, anelastico o elastico, che viene applicato a scopi terapeutici direttamente sulla cute. I potenziali benefici vanno dall’inibizione del dolore, all’aumento della circolazione sanguigna e del drenaggio linfatico, alla riduzione della fatica muscolare, al miglioramento del feedback muscolare, del controllo posturale e delle performance sportive. Tuttavia, l’efficacia clinica non può ancora essere affermata in modo univoco ed estensivo dalla letteratura scientifica e la popolarità acquisita negli ultimi anni ha creato confusione terminologica e a volte un uso improprio di questo strumento.
In quest’ultima sezione, abbiamo chiesto al dott. David Blow, fondatore del concetto di Neuromuscolar Taping, di fornirci una prospettiva sull’argomento. Il dott. Blow offre preziose competenze per chiarire il tema e le possibili applicazioni nelle impostazioni terapeutiche. Poiché la ricerca e la comprensione continuano a evolversi, è importante affrontare le tecniche di taping con uno sguardo critico e un focus sulle pratiche basate sulle evidenze.
Esplorando le conoscenze di esperti come il dott. David Blow, ci proponiamo di affrontare le complessità legate al taping e ai suoi potenziali benefici in modo responsabile e informato. Man mano che il campo del taping continua a evolversi, è essenziale tenersi aggiornati sulle ultime ricerche e sviluppi per garantirne un uso corretto ed efficace nella pratica clinica.
Aim: This study aims to identify nursing problems that can be assisted or resolved with neuromuscular taping, and to identify the characteristics of neuromuscular taping interventions in the field of nursing.
Design: A narrative literature review.
Methods: A journal search was conducted using the keywords “neuromuscular taping” to collect relevant articles published within the last five years from databases. The inclusion criteria were: randomized controlled trials, quasi-experimental or case reports, participants aged over 17 years, full text articles, studies focusing on nursing problems, and written in English. Twelve journal articles were selected and analyzed using PICO, PEDro scale, ROBINS-I tool, and Pierson score, with a domain/class approach, and list of nursing diagnoses.
Results: The results of the literature review indicated that most studies were conducted in Europe with adults and seniors as participants. There were eight randomized controlled trials reports with PEDro scores in a range
of 8–9; one quasi-experimental study with ROBINS-I scale in a range of 2; and three case reports with Pierson scores in a range of 9–10 for two articles, and 6–8 for another. All articles provided results which could help with nursing problems.
Conclusion: Neuromuscular taping can be applied for acute pain, chronic pain, impaired physical mobility, impaired walking, fatigue, and risk for unstable blood pressure.
Keywords: eccentric, fatigue, mobility, nursing, pain, neuromuscular taping, unstable blood pressure, walking
The objective of this study is to propose new integrative strategies to enhance fast-track recovery after TKA surgery. Twenty patients underwent total knee replacement arthroplasty surgery (TKA) were randomly grouped into an experimental rehabilitation group us- ing physical therapy and application of a standardized decompression NeuroMuscular Taping (NMT) protocol on the operated knee (n° patients: 11) and a control group using physical therapy and an application of a standardized compression sham taping applica- tion on the operated knee (n° patients: 9). Each patient was asked to perform active mobilization on the operated knee in a sitting position of (3 sets of 5 repetitions) while wearing a BCI MindWave device (NeuroSky®). The aim of the study was to assess whether the NMT application induces changes in frontal cortex neuronal activity, where cognitive and attentional processes are elaborated. In addition to assess the efficacy of NMT for treating edema and pain secondary to a total knee replacement surgery; patient evaluation items included: lower limb size, range of motion (ROM) and pain (Numerical Rating Scale NRS).
Results: Over the treatment period we observed that the experimental group had a statistically significant reduction of edema (p<0,01), statistically significant reduction of pain (p<0,01) than the control group. Conversely, there were no significant differences between the groups regarding ROM. We recorded a statistically significant improvement in cognitive performance and activation of frontal cortex in patients who carried out attentional feedback exercises with decompressive NMT on their operated knee (p<0.01). Evaluation of EEG wave amplitude showed a greater cognitive activation for the experimental group’s patients: total average ampli- tudes of alpha, beta and gamma waves were higher and statistically significant (p<0.05) in patients with decompressive NMT. While total average frequencies of alpha, beta and gamma waves did increase all together they did not show a significant variation across all three.
Conclusion: The objective of this study was to investigate treatment options for improving post surgical rehabilitation creating faster track protocols for an ever increasing joint prosthetic population. This study has underlined significantly improved reduction of edema and pain in a rehabilitation context and allowed us to hypothesize the effects generated by a decompressive tape application (NMT) upon circuits delegated to the cognitive-attentional processing of stimuli.
Keywords: Total knee arthroplasty TKA, Brain Computer Interface, NeuroMuscular Taping, postoperative rehabilitation, Physical therapy, Physiotherapy.
Qual’è la differenza fra il Taping NeuroMuscolare e il Kinesio Taping? Uno dei problemi intorno alla discussione sul “Taping” utilizzato in ambito medico è la definizione di taping stesso. Ci sono 2 tipi di taping utilizzati in area terapeutica. Il Taping NeuroMuscolare è una metodologia che applica un nastro non tirato seguendo la naturale estensione della pelle con conseguente definizione di nastro decompressivo. Non può essere considerato come un bendaggio perché non prevede la compressione e la costrizione muscolo/articolare, vascolare o linfatica. Si denomina Taping Neuromuscolare una specifica metodologia di applicazione del nastro decompressivo che ha avuto origine nei primi anni 2000 in Italia. Questa tecnica di taping è caratterizzata da grinze cutanee, pieghe della pelle e ondulazioni. Questa metodologia crea vari tipi di stimolazione cutanea, muscolare, articolare, sensoriale, vascolare e tattile. Questa metodologia è studiata in area medica per conoscere la sua azione terapeutica. L’altro tipo di taping prevede l’uso di un nastro poco o molto tirato, definito come un bendaggio o come taping compressivo. Un esempio sono il KT, taping funzionale, meditaping e altri, che utilizzano una specifica metodologia che prevede un’elevata compressione oppure l’applicazione del nastro allungato che può anche essere definito bendaggio neuromuscolare. Per utilizzare la metodologia proposta dal KT e altri bisogna utilizzare un nastro pretirato sulla carta e applicarlo con percentuale variabile di tensione. Possiamo affermare che questa tecnica è iniziata negli anni 1980-90. Queste applicazioni non creano grinze sulla pelle poiché il nastro elastico viene sempre applicato con un certo grado di tensione. Tale applicazione produce un’ azione di stimolo che è studiato in ambiente riabilitativo.
Quindi possiamo affermare che questi 2 tipi di metodologie di applicazione del tape sono completamente opposte, sia nella loro applicazione sia nel loro obiettivo finale e facilmente riconoscibili attraverso un’attenta osservazione.
Abstract: L’ipertensione arteriosa sistemica, una ben nota causa di morbilità, è associata a disfunzione del sistema nervoso autonomo. Il Taping Neuromuscolare sfrutta il movimento e l’attività muscolare per trattare il dolore e il linfedema, la sua modalità d’azione può coinvolgere la stimolazione muscolare portando ad un aumento della circolazione sanguigna locale o stimolando la cute, o l’apparato muscolare e le strutture fasciali con una forma di massaggio passivo. Abbiamo ipotizzato che il Taping Neuromuscolare possa ridurre la pressione arteriosa nell’ipertensione arteriosa sistemica. Questa ipotesi è stata testata portando il primo studio pilota del suo genere per determinare se la tecnica non invasiva del Taping Neuromuscolare può ridurre la pressione sanguigna in pazienti che soffrono di arteriopatia sistemica ipertensione. Il Taping Neuromuscolare è stato applicato simmetricamente nella parte posteriore, tra C1 e T2, di sette pazienti ipertesi per 5-7 giorni. I parametri autonomici cardiovascolari erano valutati al basale e alla fine dello studio. Il Taping era associato a cadute nel medio pressione arteriosa (p = 0,001), pressione arteriosa sistolica media (p <.01), pressione diastolica media (p <.01) e tono vagale cardiaco a riposo (p = .063). Gli effetti benefici sulla pressione sanguigna sono sembrati durare per almeno cinque giorni l’ applicazione del Taping Neuromuscolare. C’è un’indicazione, data la riduzione del tono vagale cardiaco a riposo, il meccanismo d’azione di questo intervento comporta la modulazione del sistema parasimpatico del tronco cerebrale durante il controllo cardiovascolare.
Ulteriori studi sono indicati per replicare i risultati attuali, approfondire gli effetti attingere al funzionamento autonomo e stabilire il periodo di tempo ottimale e il posizionamento del taping.
PMID: 29857904 DOI: 10.1016/j.mehy.2018.04.014
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative disease with symptoms including pain, coordination impairment, and muscle weakness [1]. Rehabilitation can improve motor function and patients’ quality of life (QOL). Neuromuscular taping (NMT) is a new elastic tape which improves muscular function, pain, and postural alignment, increases lymphatic and vascular flow, and strengthens weakened muscles [2]. Furthermore, NMT increases leg muscle strength in patients affected by relapsing–remitting MS (RR-MS) versus sham device [2]. The concept of “rehabilomics” aims to study rehabilitation endophenotypes to discover the molecular substrates involved in rehabilitation, but no biomarker is available to determine rehabilitation efficacy. miRNAs are small noncoding RNAs responsible for post-transcriptional gene regulation [3] and key regulators in MS [4, 6, 7, 9]. In addition, they are modulated by exercise in healthy subjects [5, 8].
In this study, we determined NMT efficacy in a secondary-progressive MS (SP-MS) patient and investigated, for the first time, (1) whether circulating miRNAs are altered by NMT and (2) are predictors of successful rehabilitation therapy.
KEYWORDS: Balance, gait, miRNAs, multiple sclerosis, neuromuscular taping, pain, physiotherapy
Background: Aromatase inhibitors reduce breast cancer recurrence rates in postmenopausal women by about 30% compared with tamoxifen while treatments differ. Unfortunately, nearly half of women taking AIs report AI-associated arthralgia (AIA), leading to therapy abandon in on third of patients, which could lead to cancer recurrence. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Neuromuscular Taping (NMT) in the treatment of AIA in women who have been treated of BC.
Methods: This study included 40 BC survivors receiving endocrine therapy (either AIs or TMX) from Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria (Málaga, Spain) suffered from AIA. Patients were randomized to one of the two groups that made this pilot study: A. Placebo intervention B. Real NMT. Clinical data were collected from medical history, grip strength, algometry measured, questionnaires and VAS scale. There have been three interventions prior to the completion of the study, 5 weeks later. The primary objective of this pilot study was to achieve an improvement of pain by 20% decrease of VAS.
Results: Significant differences in measures of VAS (p = 0.009), global health status/QoL (p = 0.005), fatigue (p = 0.01) and pain (p = 0.04) were observed post intervention with NMT.
Conclusions: An intervention by NMT to MSCM under treatment with AIs improves their subjective sensation of pain. In addition, this taping had an impact on variables related to the quality of life. This pilot study may be the basis for others to support the use of NMT for the treatment of AIAs, thereby improving their well-being and reducing the dropout rate.
Trial registration. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02406794. Registered on 2 April 2015 Retrospectively registered.
Keywords: Breast cancer, Hormonal therapy, Aromatase inhibitors, Estrogen deprivation, Myalgia, Arthralgia, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Visual analogue scale, Pressure pain threshold, Neuromuscular taping, Kinesio taping
Introduction/objectives: Italy accounts for approximately 100,000 total hip replacement surgery (THR), after France (130,000).
Edema commonly accompanies this surgical procedures; specific treatments may decrease swelling and consequent restrictions on postoperative exercises, speeding recovery and reducing hospitalization costs, as recently suggested by Zeng et al. Edema management commonly includes expensive procedures in terms of time-cost resources and materials. Aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the NMT in order to reduce the temporary post-surgical insufficiency of lymphatic system after THR.
Methods: Fifty patients (F=29, M=21, mean age= 66,27 +/- 9,8) underwent to a THR were randomly grouped into an experimental group (mobilization exercises and NMT treatment, n= 23) or a control group (mobilization exercises and declive limb posture, n= 27). All patients were treated one hour/day for two weeks and evaluated with validated scales (NRS, WOMAC, ROM, MRC) and using lower limb size measured on the third day after surgery, after one week of NMT application, and at discharge.
Results: Edema and pain reduction in the experimental group was better and faster than the control group (p< 0,01), while there were no significant differences regarding ROM, MRC and WOMAC.
Conclusion: In literature there is no unanimous evidence about the efficacy of NMT. In Kalron meta-analysis, a moderate level of evidence in support of a better pain management in patients treated with taping has reported, but no evidence about circumference reduction of limb has been collected. In our study, instead, NMT appeared to be effective on edema secondary to THA surgery; the protocol applied at the experimental group seems to be feasible, cheaper and exportable to other realities.
Abstract: Il dolore post-operatorio è frequentemente causa di limitazioni fun- zionali e di sofferenza nel paziente sottoposto a chirurgia toracica. La terapia farmacologica è il trattamento d’elezione per il controllo del dolore post-toracotomia. Tuttavia, la ricerca di strategie non farmacologiche per minimizzare la percezione di dolore nocicettivo o neuropatico e la sensibilizzazione periferica e/o centrale è tuttora di grande interesse. La serie di casi descrive il trattamento mediante applicazione di Taping Neuromuscolare (NMT) su pazienti in esiti di toracotomia e con dolore persistente da oltre un mese dall’intervento. È stato valutato l’andamento del dolore, misurato mediante scala di Borg CR10, e la quantità di farmaci antidolorifici assunti. 7 pazienti (5 maschi) in esiti di toracotomia per trapianto polmonare o chirurgia polmonare oncologica sono stati trattati con TN. In sei casi il dolore si è ridotto durante le sessioni di applicazio- ne del TN, mentre in un caso il dolore non si è modificato. La quantità di farmaci analgesici assunti al bisogno si è ridotta in sei casi. L’applicazione di TN in pazienti che presentano dolore persistente da oltre un mese dopo toracotomia sembra pertanto poter influenzare positivamente l’andamento della sintomatologia dolorosa e ridurre l’assunzione di farmaci antidolorifici. Futuri studi randomizzati controllati sono necessari per definire la reale efficacia sul do- lore e i possibili meccanismi d’azione del TN.
Abstract: Postoperative pain is a common cause of functional limitation and discomfort in patients undergoing thoracic surgery. Drug administration is the gold standard therapy to control pain after thoracotomy, however the research for different strategies to minimize the perception of pain, nociceptive or neuropathic, and the peripheral and/or central sensitization, looks promising. These case series
describe the application of Neuromuscular Taping (TN) in patients who underwent thoracotomy and presented persistent pain for longer than one month. The intensity of pain, measured by Borg CR10, and the amount of analgesic drugs taken were assessed. Seven patients (5 males) who underwent thoracotomy were treated with TN. Pain was reduced after TN application in six cases as well as the amount of analgesic medication. The application of TN in patients with persistent pain after thoracotomy seems therefore to positively influence the trend of pain intensity, and to reduce the need of analgesic drugs. Future controlled trials are needed to de- termine the efficacy of TN.
KEYWORDS: Taping neuromuscolare, dolore cronico, toracotomia.
Abstract: Background: Neuro Muscular Taping (NMT) is a biomechanical therapy method using decompressive and compressive stimuli to obtain positive effects in the musculoskeletal, vascular, lymphatic and neurological systems. Application of an elastic tape on the skin will evoke direct therapeutic effect both local and distant by reflex. The application of NMT with an eccentric and decompressive technique rises the skin and dilates the interstitial spaces and consequently improves circulation and absorption of liquids reduces subcutaneous pressure. The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of Neuromuscular taping on the treatment of Phantom pain in post amputation subjects in Mekelle ortho-physiotherapy centre, Physiotherapy Department, Tigray region, Northern Ethiopia, 2015-16.
Materials and Methods: The study population consisted of 32 subjects between 10 and 80 years of age. Subjects who underwent lower limb amputation and having phantom pain syndrome in Mekelle-ortho physiotherapy center, Mekelle and meeting the inclusion criteria were included in the study. The 32 subjects were allocated in to two groups of which, one is experimental group (16 subjects who were treated with neuromuscular taping treatment along with conventional physiotherapy) and second control group (16 subjects who were treated with conventional physiotherapy alone).
Results: To check the effectiveness of neuromuscular taping, the results of both groups were compared with each other i.e. between the groups it revealed a statistical association, i.e. (df =16, p=0.005 level, group A= 0.059 & group B =0.501). These finding clearly suggested that for lower limb amputation patient conventional physiotherapy is effective in reduction of pain but along with neuromuscular taping it stands to very effective in reducing phantom pain in post amputation subjects and VAS scale parameters reduction resulted in 6-7 treatment sessions that is less than in 8-10 treatment sessions when compared to control group.
Conclusion: To conclude the results using the conventional physiotherapy with neuromuscular taping in the management of phantom pain in lower limb amputation subjects were found to be very effective than conventional physiotherapy alone. Hence, it is highly recommended that neuro muscular taping can be included in the treatment protocol for lower limb amputation subjects having phantom pain syndrome along with conventional physiotherapy.
Abstract: Il funzionamento delle mani è spesso compromesso nei pazienti con sclerosi sistemica. Il Neuromuscular Taping è una nuova applicazione di nastro in grado di migliorarne il funzionamento. Lo scopo di questo studio era di valutare il possibile ruolo di questa applicazione nella funzionalità della mano dei pazienti con sclerosi sistemica. Le donne con diagnosi di SSc sono state reclutate e valutate utilizzando scale diverse prima e immediatamente dopo l’applicazione NMT dopo uno, tre e sei mesi. Cinquantatre donne sono state valutate e la scala della disabilità funzionale della mano di Cochin, la mobilità delle mani nella sclerodermia, il punteggio della pelle Rodnan modificato e il punteggio Dreiser Algo – Indice funzionale hanno mostrato differenze statisticamente significative durante tutto il periodo; inoltre è stata osservata una riduzione del dolore e del fenomeno di Raynaud e un miglioramento della flessione delle dita.
Application of NMT in patients with Systemic sclerosis have showed beneficial effect and future studies are needed to confirm these results. Clin Ter 2017; 168(6):e371-375. doi: 10.7417/CT.2017.2036
RISULTATI: Fifty-three women has been recruited in the study; the baseline characteristics are described in table 1. The functional score used to assess the hand mobility and functionality showed statistical significant differences comparing the baseline and the follow up evaluation during all the period.
Except for the CHFDS the other scale showed a non-statistically difference between the pretreatment evaluation and the score after six months; clinical evaluation score (Vas score, flexion and number of Raynaud phenomena) showed statistically significant differences among all the period; a non-significant difference occurred only between number of Raynaud phenomena pretreatment and at six months after evaluation. All the results are in Table 2. Box plot diagram of the all scale are illustrated in Figure 1. No adverse phenomena has been described from participants.
Abstract. Why only the human hand is able to write, to draw and to play an instrument despite being anatomically equal to a monkey’s hand? Why is so difficult, but also a real challenge for the rehabilitator, improve hand functioning after a lesion? In this paper we aim to describe proprioceptive and tactile upper limb information strategies given to patients in different conditions in order to improve upper limber function.
Keywords: Hand, Muscle Vibration, Neuromuscular Taping, Plasticity, Proprioception.
Why the human hand? And why only the human hand is able to write, to draw and to play an instrument despite being anatomically equal to a monkey’s hand? And why the hands’ function is characterized by tactile perception? And why not only motor movement? And finally why is touch so important?
The hand represents an excellent model in which to study one of the most intriguing issues in motor control: simultaneous control of a large number of mechanical degrees of free range of movement. Human hand is able to grasp objects of all shapes and sizes, to write, to paint, to sculpture and to play musical instruments [1]. But these motor skills are also associated with high tactile discrimination, which is possible thanks to skin receptors. These receptors play an indispensable role in kinesthesia [2]. It’s enough to think that finger movement is possible through the contraction of forearm muscles whose tendons cross more than one joint; in this situation the muscle afferent information is potentially ambiguous but the proximity of skin receptors adjacent to each joint allow them to provide joint specific information [3].
Beyond this we have prehension, that is the act of reaching to grasp an object, which is performed with little conscious effort and appears as a seamless act. Prehension actually consists of two distinct but temporally integrated movements, a Reach and a Grasp, each mediated by different neural pathways which project from visual to motor cortex via the parietal lobe [4]. The Reach serves to bring the hand into contact with the target by transporting it to the appropriate location, whereas the Grasp serves to shape the hand for target purchase. As two distinct behaviors, the Reach and the Grasp may be subject to different evolutionary developments and adaptive specializations. The Reach is produced largely by proximal musculature of the upper arm and is guided by the extrinsic properties of the target (location and orientation), and is coded in egocentric coordinates relative to the reacher.
The Grasp is produced mainly by distal musculature of the hand and digits, while guided by the intrinsic properties of the target (i.e. size and shape), and can be coded in spatial coordinates intrinsic to the hand irrespective of the hand’s location relative to the body.
SCOPO: Questo articolo è un primo tentativo di analisi della coordinazione della propriocezione della mano e degli arti superiori indotto da NeuroMuscular Taping (NMT): applicazione in un gruppo di 5 partecipanti con sindrome di Down.
MATERIALI E METODI: I partecipanti sono stati sottoposti a un test di disegno con acquisizione del sistema di motion capture prima e dopo l’applicazione NMT. Parametri specifici e descrittivi sono stati calcolati e analizzati al fine di quantificare le differenze.
RISULTATI: I risultati hanno mostrato differenze statistiche tra le sessioni pre e post trattamento: i 5 partecipanti con sindrome di Down hanno evidenziato una maggiore dipendenza dai segnali propriocettivi nella sessione di post-trattamento durante l’esecuzione delle specifiche attività di scrittura.
CONCLUSIONI: Sulla base dell’ipotesi che le modificazioni della propriocezione dovrebbero alterare la mappatura della corteccia motoria, il taping neuromuscolare può giocare un ruolo nel trattamento della disgrafia e migliorare la coordinazione della mano in seguito a compromissione del SNC, anche se per questo pilota è stato scelto un piccolo gruppo di trattamento studiare i risultati porta ad ulteriori discussioni sul ruolo dei diversi segnali afferenti in un contesto patologico.
PAROLE CHIAVE: sindrome di Down; disgrafia; Nastratura neuromuscolare; propriocezione; Capacità di scrittura
PMID: 26378759 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
Format: Abstract
Abstract. Neuro Muscular Taping (NMT) is a biomechanical therapy method using decompressive stimuli to obtain positive effects in the musculoskeletal, vascular, lymphatic and neurological systems. As the tapes form wrinkles, lifting the skin, they facilitate venous and lymphatic drainage, improve blood circulation, and relieve pain. Correct application may also assist to correct the alignment of joints, support muscles during movement, and improve stability and posture. In this study we evaluated the effectiveness of a low cost and relatively easy to learn taping technique for the treatment of low back pain which is the most prevalent musculoskeletal condition and the most common cause of disability in developed nations. The lifetime prevalence of LBP (at least one episode of LBP in a lifetime) in developed countries is reported to be up to 85%. LBP results in significant levels of disability, producing significant restrictions on usual activity and participation, such as an inability to work. Furthermore, the economic, societal and public health effects of LBP appear to be increasing. 40 subjects with low back pain were included in this study at the Mekelle University, Ethiopia, Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Physiotherapy Department as a part of rehabilitation project to evaluate economic and practical solutions for non specific low back pain in developing countries. Standardized NMT application for lumbar pain was used in one group while the other group received standard physical therapy over a 4 to 6 week treatment period. According to Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability index there was a significant reduction in pain with the NMT lumbar application in comparison to the physical therapy only treatment group.
Abstract. Il nastro elastico Kinesiologico è ampiamente utilizzato per applicazioni sia cliniche che sportive, sebbene la sua efficacia nel migliorare le prestazioni agonistiche sia ancora controversa. Scopo dello studio era verificare in un gruppo di giocatori di pallacanestro sani se un’applicazione di taping neuromuscolare (NMT) sulle articolazioni della caviglia e del ginocchio potesse influenzare i parametri cinematici e cinetici del salto, aumentando o inibendo la prestazione funzionale. Quattordici giocatori di basket maschi sani senza patologie in corso agli arti superiori, agli arti inferiori e al tronco volontari nello studio. Hanno eseguito in modo casuale 2 serie di 5 salti movimento contatore (CMJ) con e senza applicazione del nastro Kinesiologico. I migliori 3 salti di ciascun set sono stati considerati per l’analisi. I parametri cinematici analizzati sono stati: flessione massima delle ginocchia e dorsiflessione massimale delle caviglie durante la fase di push off, altezza di salto e velocità di decollo. Sono stati studiati anche la forza di reazione al suolo verticale e la potenza massima espressa nella fase di spinta del salto. L’applicazione NMT in entrambe le ginocchia e caviglie non ha mostrato differenze statisticamente significative nei parametri cinematico e cinetico e non ha interferito con le prestazioni della CMJ. L’applicazione bilaterale NMT nel gruppo di giocatori di basket maschi sani non ha modificato i parametri cinematici e cinetici di salto, suggerendo quindi che il suo uso di routine non dovrebbe avere alcun effetto negativo sulle prestazioni funzionali. Allo stesso modo, l’applicazione combinata del nastro su entrambe le ginocchia e caviglie non ha influenzato in alcun modo le prestazioni di salto.
PAROLE CHIAVE: neuro muscular taping, vertical jump, biomechanics, performance.
PMCID: PMC5505103 PMID: 28713536 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
Abstract: Adhesive capsulitis is a common painful condition characterized by severe loss of mobility and shoulder pain. Patients with this disease have a painful restriction of both active and passive mobility and an overall loss of shoulder movement in all planes. This experimental design study investigated the effect of combination of taping neuromuscular and stretching exercises program compared to ultrasounds and stretching exercises program. A total of 40 patients aged between 40 and 60 years were involved in the study. Patients were divided in two groups: first group subjected of neuromuscular taping +stretching exercises program for 4 weeks (experimental group 20 patients) and a second group subjected of a daily program of physical therapy + stretching exercises (control group 20 patients). They were evaluated using visual analogue scales for pain, goniometric measure for passive and active range of motion, SPADI index for shoulder function and patient satisfaction. Analysis showed statistically significant improvement in both the experimental and control groups. In addition, the mean improvement in VAS was significantly greater after first week in the experimental group than in the control group. The study showed that the combination of taping with stretching exercises program leads to better outcomes in rehabilitation of patients with frozen shoulder especially when an immediate effect is needed.
OBJECTIVE: In this case study, biomechanical alterations induced by neuromuscular taping (NMT) were quantified, during walking, in a patient with joint hypermobility syndrome/Ehlers-Danlos syndrome hypermobility type (JHS/EDS-HT).
METHODS: A female JHS/EDS-HT patient underwent NMT applications over the low back spine and bilaterally to the knee. Quantitative gait analyses were collected before the NMT application and at the end of the treatment (2 weeks after the first application of NMT).
RESULTS: At the end of treatment following the NMT application, left step length showed improvements in cadence and velocity, the left knee showed a reduction in its flexed position at initial contact, and the right ankle joint improved its position at initial contact and in the swing phase. Improvements were also found in kinetics, in terms of the ankle moment and power.
CONCLUSIONS: Results show that NMT seems to be a promising low-cost intervention for improving gait strategy in patients with JHS/EDS-HT. Further investigations are needed to assess the effects of this treatment intervention on pathological symptoms.
KEYWORDS: Ehlers–Danlos syndrome; gait analysis; neuromuscular taping; rehabilitation
PURPOSE: Purpose of this study is to evaluate differences in leg muscles strength and motor performance between neuromuscular taping (NT) and sham tape groups.
METHOD: Relapsing-remitting (RR) multiple sclerosis (MS) patients were recruited and randomly assigned to NT or sham tape groups. All patients underwent the treatment 5 times at 5-d intervals. They were submitted to a 6-minute walk test and isokinetic test (peak torque) at the beginning (T0), at the end (T1) and 2 months after the end of the treatment (T2).
RESULTS: Forty MS patients (38!F; 2!M; mean age 45.5!±!6.5 years) were assigned to NT group (n!=!20) and to sham tape group (n!=!20). Delta Peak Torque T1-T0 and T2-T0 between two groups were statistically significant in quadriceps (p!=!0.007; 0.000) and hamstrings (p!=!0.011; 0.007). The difference between the two groups according to 6-minute walk test was not statistically significant but in NT group it was noticed an increasing trend about the distance run.
CONCLUSIONS: In this single-blind randomized controlled trial, NT seemed to increase strength in leg muscles, compared to a sham device, in RR MS patients. Further studies are needed to consider this therapy as a complement to classic physical therapy.
IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILITATION: Neuromuscular taping (NT) in multiple sclerosis: NT is well tolerated by multiple sclerosis patients and should be a complement to classic physical therapy. This technique normalizes muscular function, strengthens weakened muscles and assists the postural alignment.
Abstract: Pain is a common disabling symptom in patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). It has been indicated that pain prevalence in MS patients is between 29–86 %. It is evident that most MS patients requiring treatment will be also searching pain related treatments to assist in day to day activities. Neuropathic pain is a difficult symptom and is generally inadequately relieved even though different rehabilitative approaches may be used. Neuromuscular Taping inducing micro-movements by stimulating receptors in the skin has been described in literature as a possible intervention in neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation improving mobility and in pain reduction. The aim of this preliminary report was to analyze the effect and to evaluate the possible applications of Neuromuscular Taping (NMT) in patients with MS in order to reduce pain in comparison to the Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) and to physical rehabilitation treatment alone. We observed that NMT together with standard physical rehabilitation was able to reduce neuropathic pain to greater lengths, with statistically significant differences between pre and post treatment, compared to the other treatments evaluated. This study showed increased efficacy in pain reduction when NMT was applied to standard physical treatment in long standing pain conditions. Neuromuscular Taping may constitute a low cost treatment strategy for neuropathic pain conditions in MS.
PAROLE CHIAVE: multiple sclerosis, neuropathic pain, rehabilitation, taping, NMT pain treatment strategy, neuromuscular taping, quality of life.
Abstract: Lo scopo di questo studio era quello di studiare i cambiamenti del dolore, il range di movimento (ROM) e la spasticità nelle persone con spalla dolorosa spalla emiplegica (PHS) dopo l’applicazione del Taping Neuromuscolare sull’arto superiore (NMT). Abbiamo condotto uno studio clinico randomizzato. Lo studio ha incluso 32 persone, 31% di sesso femminile (età media ± DS!: 66! ±! 9 anni), con PHS dopo ictus con dolore a riposo e durante i movimenti funzionali. Il gruppo sperimentale ha ricevuto l’applicazione di NMT e un programma di terapia fisica standard (SPTP), mentre il gruppo di controllo ha ricevuto SPTP. I gruppi hanno ricevuto quattro sessioni da 45 minuti in quattro settimane. VAS, ROM e spasticità sono stati valutati prima e dopo l’intervento con follow-up a quattro settimane. Il gruppo sperimentale ha avuto una maggiore riduzione del dolore rispetto al gruppo di controllo alla fine dell’intervento, così come a un mese dopo l’intervento (p! <! 0.001; tutte le differenze di gruppo erano superiori a 4.5! Cm, che è maggiore della minima differenza clinicamente importante di 2,0! cm). Il gruppo sperimentale presentava una ROM significativamente più alto (meglio) di 30,0 ° rispetto al gruppo di controllo nella flessione della spalla (IC 95%: 37,3-22,7) a 4 settimane e di 24,8 ° (IC 95%: 32,1-17,6) a 8 settimane e in abduzione di 30,6 ° (IC 95%: 37,5-23,7) a 4 settimane e 25,1 ° (IC 95%: 33,8-16,3) a 8 settimane. Il nostro studio dimostra che l’NMT riduce il dolore e aumenta il ROM in soggetti con dolore alla spalla dopo un ictus. Implicazioni per la riabilitazione La spalla emiplegica dolorosa è una frequente complicazione dopo l’ictus con impatti negativi sulle attività funzionali e sulla qualità della vita delle persone, inoltre limita l’intervento di riabilitazione. Il taping neuromuscolare è una tecnica introdotta da David Blow per il trattamento dei problemi neuromuscoloscheletrici. Questo studio mostra la riduzione del dolore e il miglioramento del range di movimento dopo l’applicazione di un bendaggio neuromuscolare dell’arto superiore. I professionisti della riabilitazione che sono coinvolti nella gestione della spalla emiplegica dolorosa possono considerare i benefici che il taping neuromuscolare può produrre sull’arto superiore.
Abstract: To assess quantitatively the effects of Neuromuscular Taping (NMT) on the upper limb in a female child with left hemiplegia, due to Cerebral Palsy (CP). The patient underwent NMT on cervical level, shoulder and hand only of the plegic upper limb, followed by physical therapy. Kinematic data of upper limbs during reaching task were collected before (PRE) and after 2 weeks of treatment (POST).
After the intervention, the affected limb improved in terms of movement duration, Average Jerk and Number of Unit Movements indices, indicating a faster, smoother and less segmented movement. Improvements appeared at the ranges of motion of the upper limb joints, both at shoulder and elbow joints. No significant changes were globally displayed for the unaffected arm.
NMT seems to be a promising intervention for improving upper limb movement in patients with CP. Further investigations are certainly needed to assess effectively the effects of the intervention in this pathological state.
Abstract: Neuromuscular Taping (NT) is a relatively new device that induces micro-movements by stimulating receptors in the skin. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of the application of Neuromuscular Taping (NT) on motor performance and quality of life in a cohort of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients.
Twenty MS patients with Expanded Disability Status Scale < or = 4 (EDSS); clinically stable disease; absence of relapses during the last 3 months; absence of rehabilitation treatment or symptomatic drugs acting on muscular tone or fatigue for at least 2 months; a stable disease modifying treatment for at least 3 months; were treated with the application of NT.
It was applied four times at 4-day intervals on the weakest side of the hamstrings muscles. The treatment efficacy on motor performance was evaluated by the six minute walking test (6MWT), measured at the beginning of treatment (TO), at the end of NT application (T1), and three weeks after the last treatment application (T2). Moreover, Short Form 36 health survey (SF-36) was administered to evaluate the quality of life.
The mean distance covered during the 6MWT improved significantly between TO and the successive T1 and T2 measurements, passing from 342.6 +/- 148.9 mt at TO to 395.8 +/- 146.0 mt at T2 (p=0.03). The SF-36 showed a statistically significant improvement in most items.
The application of NT was able to improve significantly the motor performance and the quality of life in our small case series of MS patients. (www.actabiomedica.it).