
Does NeuroMuscular Taping influence hand kinesiology? A pilot study on Down’s Syndrome.

Clin Ter. 2015;166(4):e257-63. doi: 10.7417/T.2015.1870.

Rigoldi C , Galli M , Celletti C , Blow D , Camerota F , Albertini G .


This paper is a first attempt analysis of hand and upper limb proprioception coordination induced by NeuroMuscular Taping (NMT): application in a group of 5 participants with Down syndrome.

The participants underwent a drawing test with motion capture system acquisition before and after NMT application. Specific and descriptive parameters were computed and analysed in order to quantify the differences.

Results showed statistical differences between pre and post treatment sessions: the 5 participants with Down syndrome evidenced more reliance on proprioceptive signals in the post treatment session during the execution of the specific writing tasks. Based on the hypothesis that modifications in proprioception should alter motor pathway mapping of the motor cortex, Neuromuscular taping may play a role in the treatment of dysgraphia and improving hand coordination following CNS impairment, even though a small treatment group was chosen for this pilot study the results lead to further discussions concerning the role of different afferent signals in a pathological context.

Key words: Down syndrome; Dysgraphia; Neuromuscolar taping; Proprioception; Writing skills

PMID: 26378759 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

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