
NeuroMuscular Taping for the upper limb in Cerebral Palsy: A case study in a patient with hemiplegia.

Dev Neurorehabil. 2014 Dec;17(6):384-7. doi: 10.3109/17518423.2013.830152. Epub 2013 Oct 2.

Camerota F , Galli M, Cimolin V, Celletti C, Ancillao A, Blow D, Albertini G.


To assess quantitatively the effects of Neuromuscular Taping (NMT) on the upper limb in a female child with left hemiplegia, due to Cerebral Palsy (CP). The patient underwent NMT on cervical level, shoulder and hand only of the plegic upper limb, followed by physical therapy. Kinematic data of upper limbs during reaching task were collected before (PRE) and after 2 weeks of treatment (POST).

After the intervention, the affected limb improved in terms of movement duration, Average Jerk and Number of Unit Movements indices, indicating a faster, smoother and less segmented movement. Improvements appeared at the ranges of motion of the upper limb joints, both at shoulder and elbow joints. No significant changes were globally displayed for the unaffected arm.

NMT seems to be a promising intervention for improving upper limb movement in patients with CP. Further investigations are certainly needed to assess effectively the effects of the intervention in this pathological state.

Key Words: Cerebral palsy; kinematics; neuromuscular taping; reaching; rehabilitation; upper limb

PMID: 24087981 DOI: 10.3109/17518423.2013.830152

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